Disturbing the real with the deep fake is from the media, but messing with the fake is the ultimate goal of Nvidia

Disturbing the real with the deep fake is from the media, but messing with the fake is the ultimate goal of Nvidia


At the GTC online summit held in April this year, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun stood in his kitchen and introduced NVIDIA’s contribution in the field of graphics to a global audience through the Internet. If you pay attention to the press conferences of the past year, you should have an impression of this kitchen: In September last year, Lao Huang took out the latest "baked" RTX 30 series graphics card in the same kitchen and the same oven.

However, the situation is different from last year. In April this year, Huang brought an amazing "lasagna" to everyone in this kitchen:

First, on August 12, NVIDIA officially announced some shocking news about the GTC online summit held in April this year at SIGGRAPH 2021. The NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun in the video speech was not himself, but through a series of figures. "Stand-in" of technology synthesis.

This documentary was carried by the domestic media in a very short period of time. However, it may be that the translation of the video has made a deviation. After the display of this technology has been packaged by the domestic media, it seems to be developing in a perspective that NVIDIA has not imagined. Under the operation of the domestic self-media, the matter changed from NVIDIA rendering some clips of Huang Renxun to "NVIDIA rendering the entire video of Huang Renxun." The topic of "Huang Renxun deceived the world" has been on Weibo's hot search within a short period of time, and some unclear technology media have also forwarded this kind of news out of nothing.


But after only one day, things turned around again: NVIDIA confirmed that "in order to demonstrate the technology of the Ominiverse platform, the synthesized image of Huang Renxun only appeared for 14 seconds." In other words, what we see most of the time is the real Huang Renxun.


Of course, I don't really want to criticize the media that forwarded relevant news, but this time "Huang Renxun lied to the world", in my opinion, is the best interpretation of the layman's guidance of the insider. It also showed us the consequences of "adding oil and vinegar."


But then again, according to the hot search on Weibo at that time, it is not difficult to see that there are still many misunderstandings about the current computer graphics technology. For example, on Weibo, many people are shocked by the degree of simulation of "Synthetic Huang Renxun". Of course, now we know that it is actually Huang Renxun himself, and the switch between the leather jacket and the short sleeve is just a shooting error that does not strictly control the service.


Is it possible to simulate a real person?

But really, is it really possible to completely render a "real person" with computer images?

Let me talk about the answer first, it is completely possible. To give the simplest example, shouldn't anyone really think that Marvel dug a purple sweet potato extract from the ditch when filming "The Avengers"? No one would think that Mike Bay really asked Hasbro to make a 1:1 Optimus Prime, right? If someone says that it is impossible to "simulate a real person", it is simply a humiliation to Industrial Light and Magic and the film industry behind it.




Since "simulating a real person" is entirely possible, why does NVIDIA have to render these 14-second images for technical demonstrations? The reason is only two words-real time.


Let's continue to use Industrial Light and Magic as an example: Suppose I want to render a one-minute speech by a person out of thin air. We know that digital video is composed of a large number of independent pictures. Assuming that the frame rate of the video is 50fps, a one-minute video means that I need to render 3000 frames. Since the speaker is constantly making movements in the picture, we need to independently calculate the picture of each frame of the speaker and render 3000 pictures separately.




The so-called rendering is actually using computer software to simulate the scene in the picture, so that the renderer calculates "what should be" every part of the picture like a math problem. And this process of "doing math problems" requires a lot of resources and time. Especially a scene like "Transformers" has tens of thousands of parts, and each part has thousands of polygons. Since each element needs to be calculated independently, even a one-minute screen requires massive computing power. And time to render. This is also the reason why visual effects giants such as Industrial Light and Magic use "render farms" for calculations.


Light chase changed everything

 But the subtlety of RTX technology is that it uses a brand-new AI core and uses brand-new problem-solving skills to do previous math problems. The new problem-making skills greatly compress the time of hardware rendering, making it possible for the light-tracking effect of near real-time preview.


With the support of RTX technology, users do not need a huge rendering farm, as long as a piece of RTX 3090 can simulate the movement of light in real time, and see themselves in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror. Yes, as long as the graphics card is strong enough, RTX can achieve 6 real-time light reflection calculations. This will bring huge changes to the computer graphics industry.

 This is also the reason why NVIDIA has changed the light source many times in the documentary-even if the environment changes, Huang Renxun in the picture can be rendered in real time. Summarize

Although it is said that the "Oolong" originated from the media, from the perspective of computer graphics, "true and false old yellow" has indeed brought a huge breakthrough in the image field. The emergence of real-time rendering can greatly reduce the processing time and cost of the visual effects industry, so that more low-cost teams can also use the latest and strongest graphics technology. This is an exciting surprise for both the practitioners and the industry.

 Of course, the most pleasant surprise is Lao Huang himself. This time, "True and False Laohuang" is a huge victory from the perspective of technology display and communication effect. After this battle, relevant practitioners all over the world have learned about NVIDIA's strength in graphics rendering. When buying studio hardware, they will naturally prefer NVIDIA's computing equipment.

But then again, now everyone's desire to create is awakened by Lao Huang, where can I buy the handy creative tools, such as the original price RTX 30 series graphics cards?

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